Malaysian BabyWearers
International Babywearing Week (12 Nov 2008 - 18 Nov 2008) is just around the corner and Malaysian Babywearers would like to invite you to join this worldwide celebration.
International Babywearing Week is sponsored by Babywearing International, Inc., a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote babywearing as a universally accepted practice, and, an internet babywearing information resource. The week-long celebration was created to focus the world's attention on the timeless and beautiful practice of babywearing. Local babywearing clubs across the country and around the world are commemorating the week with special events and activities.
Malaysian Babywearers is a local non-profit organization with a goal to promote and to see an increased number in babywearers in Malaysia. In conjunction with International Babywearing Week 2008, we will be holding several events and competitions to create awareness on babywearing. These include but are not restircted to:
26th October 2008 – 18th November 2008 MALAYSIA
Online contests including:
Photo contests
Short story contest
Click Here to find out more :)