Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year !

Dearest Customers,

Here's wishing all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!
For this Holiday season, we'll be giving Free Shipping for orders to Malaysia and Singapore, this is valid from 22 December 08 to 5 January 09 only so hurry and get a baby sling for yourself or as a gift for your love ones!

Click here to view our catalogue:
Please kindly note that any order taken during the end of Dec08 and beginning of Jan09 may be slightly delayed by a day or two. This is because I have just given birth to my second baby and will be in confinement.

MummyHugs is still open for business as usual, and I will try my best to fullfill any orders taken during this 2 months as soon as possible.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your kind understanding!
Here's a photo of our new bundle of joy born on 21 December 2008.

Store Owner

Monday, December 1, 2008

Reply to a comment on the blog.

I received a comment from a person but there wasn't a reply email address. If you happen to read this blog, here's the answer to your enquiry. Hope to hear from you soon. Dear all, please do leave your name and email address so that I can keep in touch with you. Thank you!

Hi ...,
Thanks for your comment and interest. For Pouch Slings I currently only have S size though. What's your measurement from shoulder across to your waist ( just above your hip bone?)

If you are just a little bit smaller than 23 inch, I think should be no prob. If you want I can also custom make to your size and colours/design- just need to add on another RM20.00.

If not I recommend that you consider a ring sling instead. A ring sling can be adjusted to fit any size :)
Let me know what you think and hope to receive an email from you soon.

Warmest regards,

Monday, October 13, 2008

MummyHugs Supports International Babywearing Week

Malaysian BabyWearers

International Babywearing Week (12 Nov 2008 - 18 Nov 2008) is just around the corner and Malaysian Babywearers would like to invite you to join this worldwide celebration.

International Babywearing Week is sponsored by Babywearing International, Inc., a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote babywearing as a universally accepted practice, and, an internet babywearing information resource. The week-long celebration was created to focus the world's attention on the timeless and beautiful practice of babywearing. Local babywearing clubs across the country and around the world are commemorating the week with special events and activities.

Malaysian Babywearers is a local non-profit organization with a goal to promote and to see an increased number in babywearers in Malaysia. In conjunction with International Babywearing Week 2008, we will be holding several events and competitions to create awareness on babywearing. These include but are not restircted to:

26th October 2008 – 18th November 2008 MALAYSIA
Online contests including:
Photo contests
Short story contest

Click Here to find out more :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

"single best strategy for the infant's survival, growth and development"

Trust that Breast is Safest and Best
(A Press Release by BMSG)

The Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group (Singapore) (BMSG(S)) writes with utmost concern regarding the impact caused by the tainted Sanlu brand of formula milk and the needless deaths and loss of health of thousands of infants. In addition, newspapers have also reported on cases of contamination with urea by dairies in India some years ago. Although these, and other, scandals have largely been contained within the countries of origin, we can hardly afford to remain apathetic about the safety of artificial formula milk consumed by our infants whose only source of nutrition in the first six months is from milk.

The BMSG(S) takes this opportunity to stress to mothers that breastmilk stands alone in providing all the necessary nutrients in the necessary proportions required for the optimal health, growth and development of our infants. Mother's milk is special and every species of mammal produces milk that is unique for the young of that species. Simply put, human breastmilk is specially designed for our human babies. Whilst children might develop allergies to artificial cow's milk and many others are lactose intolerant, breastmilk prevents rather than causes allergies and is gentle on our infants' immature digestive systems. Only we as mothers, can ensure that our infants are shielded from the potential harm caused by synthetically manufactured products, contaminations, manufacturing errors, lax controls, cover-ups and errant profiteers. Our babies depend wholly on us for the crucial months of their lives to give them the best milk that nature meant solely for them.

Breastmilk contains many nutrients, some of which are present in minute levels that cannot be duplicated in formula milk and yet play important roles in meeting the needs of developing infants. Breastmilk is also a constantly changing formula through the months, weeks and even days. This ensures the best nutrition at every point in the lives of our infants and is not controlled by artificial nutrient levels set by man. When mothers choose to exclusively breastfeed, they choose to trust in the ultimate goodness of their own breastmilk. Their infants are thus protected from any errors in the production process of formula milk which can mean a difference of life and death or loss of health, as has been sadly highlighted in the scandals.

With the growing affluence of women, their desire to return to the workforce after birth and difficulties faced at their workplace, many mothers have been swayed over by savvy advertising to replace breastfeeding with formula milk as the convenient source of nutrition for infants. With fewer children born per family, it is all the more critical that we give our precious babies the best start in life through breastfeeding. This best start remains in later life as children who are breastfed have been found to have a higher IQ advantage. The World Health Organisation (WHO), in response to the scandal, has once again reiterated that breastfeeding is the "single best strategy for the infant's survival, growth and development".* Its message to mothers is to exclusively breastfeed their infants for six months and thereafter to 2 years and beyond with complementary feeding of solids.

Mothers often assume that if breastfeeding is not possible - which is a rare situation - then formula feeding is the second-best alternative. The WHO makes it very clear that this is absolutely not true. Second-best feeding is mother's own expressed milk given by cup or tube. Third-ranked best choice is donated breastmilk from a milk bank whilst formula ranks only a distant fourth.

Breastfeeding is a natural and loving act. The BMSG(S) urges all mothers to put their trust in their own abilities to breastfeed and to make breastfeeding their best feeding choice. The BMSG(S) offers workshops for all mothers-to-be to prepare them for their breastfeeding journey and trained counsellors offer support to mothers who face any difficulties with breastfeeding. The BMSG(S) would like to stress that breastfeeding difficulties can be managed and overcome if mothers request for assistance early and breastfeeding becomes easier once mothers get the hang of it. Mothers can contact us through our helpline at 6339 3558, email at or website at

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How long should we breastfeed? For 2 years and beyond...

Is is 'normal' for a toddler of 2 years to be breastfed? Who decides what is the norm? The media? I often hear medical professionals advising patients to wean off their baby after 6 months or after a year. I also often hear friends ask me " Are you STILL breastfeeding?". We should realized that our norm for the past 30 or more are determined by the intervention of formula companies. Breast milk was the only way of feeding before formula came into being. Mothers can breastfeeding for as long as they want.

United Nations recommends that Babies should be exclusively breastfed for 6 months, then complement with solid food till 2 years and beyond.

" Optimal infant and young child feeding means that mothers are empowered to initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth, breastfeed exclusively for the first six months and continue to breastfeed for two years or more, together with nutritionally adequate, safe, age appropriate, responsive complementary feeding starting in the sixth month."
Extracted from UNICEF - Infant and child feeding goals

"Pediatricians and parents should be aware that exclusive breastfeeding is sufficient to support optimal growth and development for approximately the first 6 months of life and provides continuing protection against diarrhea and respiratory tract infection. Breastfeeding should be continued for at least the first year of life and beyond for as long as mutually desired by mother and child."
Extracted from La Leche League International - How long should a mother breastfeed?

Information on Extended Breastfeeding beyond one year.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Spread the message and save lives!

Dear family and friends,

Please forward this email to anyone you know who is pregnant, a mother or anyone who knows a mother. Mother's milk is the most natural, safest and a God send gift to mothers and babies of the world. It's sad that people do not realize that this is the way that human babies should be fed.

As mentioned by one of my friend: " The truth is, there is never a guarantee that formula milk contains all it is said or touted to contain, in all the right quantities. This China case was not the first, but neither will it be the last.

Formula contamination, or over/under supplementation of nutrients and chemicals is very real and not just confined to China.

Just a couple of years ago in Israel, there was a case of over supplementation of Vit B to dangerous levels. Again, there was no cross-check by authorities and it was not until babies fell ill and died that the problem surfaced. As in any factory/manufacturing scenario, human or machine errors are common.

It is a pity that in the midst of all this, that breastfeeding is not brought to the fore of public consciousness as the right and normal way of feeding infants. Had more Chinese babies been breastfed, and the reliance on formula been less, the impact would not be so severe. Today's Strait Times had an article on parents fretting about what to feed their babies. This is sad and all so unnecessary if breastfeeding had been promoted and supported in the first place. "

There's a lot of myths and misconception surrounding breastfeeding that has been spread intentionally or unintentionallly by the formula milk companies to the general public. As we know formula milk companies are driven by profit and some of their many of their marketing efforts are not necessary ethical. In many rural and third world countries, literally milllions of babies are dying due to malnutrition and contatmination due to unavaliibilty of clean water or lack of facilities and knowledge to sterilize bottles in preparation of formula milk.

Usually a manufacturer won't announce that the competition's product is a better choice. But when the competition is breast milk, infant formula manufacturers concede--right on the label--that breast milk is best. All the DHA and the ingredients that formula company promotes is present in breast milk in the best way to be absorb by the baby. And there are more than 200 ingredients that is present in breast milk that formula milk do not have. It's sad to say that we have to fight the odds and choose to breastfeed when it should be the most natural way if there wasn't any human intervention.

Here are some quick facts about breastfeeding and breast milk may not be widely known:

Breastmilk is
1) The ideal nourishment for human babies
it's protein content particularly suited for a baby's metabolism, the fat content is more easily absorbed and digested than the fats in cow's milk.
2) Baby cry less and happier
As breastmilk is easily absorbed, baby suffer from less colic and digestive problems. Therefore they cry less, are easier to manage and are happier :)
3) Baby are smarter
Some studies shows that breastfed babies are smarter. Some of the reasons presented are that breast milk contain all the brain building ingredients in the most readily absorb-able form for babies. And some shows that since they are easier to manage and cry less from digestive problems, they use those time observing and learning about their environment at a young age. Others shows that it may be due to mothers spending more time bonding and interacting with their children which in turn stimulates their brains at an early age.
4) Breastfed babies fall sick less A mother's milk contain cells from her immune system and antibodies against diseases to which she has been exposed. Antibodies she develops after the baby is born are also passed to the baby through the breast milk.
5) Protects the infants against certain diseases, infections and allergies

For Mothers
1) Helps mother's uterus shrink after childbirth Baby's suckling produces a hormone that helps mother's uterus shrink
2) Helps mother lose weight! Each day that a mother breastfeed is equal to losing about 500 calories per day
3) Reduced Risk of Cancer Mothers who breastfeed for at least 6 months have a decreased risk of breast, ovarian, uterine cancers.
4) Relaxes mother and baby and promotes bonding It's a wonderful way to bond with baby especially when a mother needs to return to work. For me it forces me to slow down in our busy life and spend quality time just nursing and bonding with my son
5) Most mothers can breastfeed their babies and most challenges faced can be addressed and corrected. There's only a few medical conditions known that the mother should not breastfeed. One of them is AIDS.
6) Working Mothers can breastfeed!
With a breast pump and a few minutes at work each day, a mother can continue to breastfeed her baby for as long as she wants to. Although some may argue that a breast pump is expensive, it saves you money on formula milk, medical bills when your child fall sick.
7) Saves Money and its convenient!
Breast milk is free and readily avaliable at the correct temperature and free from contaminant. Saving you substantial amount of money from buying formula milk.

Being a mother myself, I manage to successfully breastfed my son till 2 years and 3 months until he self wean. Although natural, breastfeeding may be faced with many challenges and many breastfeeding support group will be able to share knowledge and encourage other mothers to breastfeed. If you do know or anyone who is facing issues with breastfeeding, I will be more than happy to share my experience and knowledge or direct them to someone who can help them. I am currently volunteering at a breastfeeding mother support group as a trained counsellor- if they are situated in Singapore, they can contact +65 6339 3558 to get help.

To read more here are some great links or just google 'breast milk' or 'breastfeeding' you will get a lot of great information

Here are some links re: the Sanlu Milk contamination case

Spread the message and you may just save lives!
Lets bring nature's way of feeding our babies back.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Going for GOLD" - World Breastfeeding Week 2008

Catch our WBW promotion before it ends. Promotion only valid till 31st August 2008!

In support of WBW, MummyHugs will be putting up a stall during this event. Don't miss out on the great discounts and gifts that we'll be giving away during the fair! Come on down and join in the fun!

Breastfeeding Mother's Support Group (Singapore) will celebrate World Breastfeeding Week (WBW 2008) with the theme “Going for Gold” to increase awareness of the need for and the value of providing support to a breastfeeding mother. Just like an Olympic athlete needs support to get the gold medal, a mother requires the same support to achieve the gold standard of infant feeding: the World Health Organization recommends mothers breastfeed their infants exclusively for six months, and provides appropriate complementary foods with continued breastfeeding for two years and beyond. Every mother can achieve the gold standard!

To build camaraderie amongst breastfeeding mothers, join us for a mass breastfeeding session where all nursing mothers are invited to breastfeed their children. We hope to gather as many mothers from all over Singapore in NVPC for an attempt to break our synchronized breastfeeding record of 171 mothers created last year.

There will be talks for mothers and fathers to listen to, games booth for children and shopping for all to indulge in. Click here to check out for the Breastfeeding Photography Contest where cash and prizes are waiting to be won.

Hurry up NOW!

Sign-up now with your family @ $10 per adult. Click here to download registration form. Children below 12 years of age are free.

Event details
Venue : National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) , The Giving Place,6 Eu Tong Sen Street, #04-88 The Central, Singapore 059817. Located @ The Central, a shopping mall directly above Clarke Quay MRT
Date: 16th Aug 2008 (Sat), 12.30pm -4pm

Thursday, July 31, 2008

MummyHugs Celebrates World Breastfeeding Day 2008

The Annual World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) 2008 is here!
August 1st-7th 2008.
Theme for this year: Mother Support - Going for the Gold

In conjunction with the Olympics in August, WBW 2008 calls for greater support for mothers in achieving the gold standard of infant feeding: breastfeeding exclusively for six months, and providing appropriate complementary foods with continued breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond.
The reason that inspired MummyHugs' existence is because of the love for my son. I quit my job so that I can nurse my baby and spend more time with him and hence I created MummyHugs. MummyHugs has enable me to work from home, continue to nurse my son till 2 years 2 months and provide support to other mothers to breastfeed.

Beside all the great nutrition and antibodies that breast milk contains, breastfeeding is more than just providing physical food for a baby. To me, it creates a strong bond between a mother and child and this relationship continue to flourish even when the child weans. For me, it 'forces' me to slow down in life and just spend quiet moments feeding my son. When I was working full time, I express my milk at work to continue to keep giving my son the best. It reminded me that I am a mother and it helps me to reconnect with my son when I return from work.

In celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, and showing our gratitude to God and mother nature for this gift of 'liquid gold', MummyHugs will be holding a sale of 25% for all slings in the month of August 2008.
Free Shipping for purchases over RM150.00 (For Malaysia, Singapore only. Promotion valid until 31st August 2008, The RM150.00 is applicable after the discounted price.)

Here are also some activities which MummyHugs will be participating during WBW.

1) Sun 2nd August 2008- Cellsafe Seminar:Crystal Crown Hotel-JB
MummyHugs is Sponsoring $250 worth of baby sling

2) Sun 10th August 2008-Cellsafe Seminar: Selesa Hotel-Pasir Gudang
MummyHugs is Sponsoring $250 worth of baby sling

3) Sat 16th August 2008- Breastfeeding Mother Support Group Singapore (BMSG)Celebrating WBW
Venue : National Volunteer Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) Time:12.30pm -4pm
MummyHugs will be setting up a booth, we will be retailing Baby Slings, Nursing Cover, Nursing Pillows etc... There'll be a special price for all baby slings on that day!<
For more info check out the website

To read more on World Breastfeeding Week and see what countries around the world are doing: Click here.

The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) is a global network of individuals organisations concerned with the protection, promotion & support of breastfeeding worldwide.
For more information you can contact me at +6016 7585842

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

WBW2008 Photo Contest

So sorry, I've included the photo contest details too late. It's organised by Breastfeeding Mother Support Group Singapore, click here to find out more.

But any mother interested to send me a picture of you breastfeeding your little one I will be very happy to post it up on my website. Let's share our precious moments with others!

Vouchers and Coupons

Dear customer,
Some of you may have received vouchers or rebate coupons from seminars or events. Currently as our online shopping cart is under maintainence, please send your order via email at . In your email please include your voucher code and I will adjust the invoice accordingly.
Thank you for your understanding.
Shirin-Store Owner

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Safety and Care

Safety and Care

How safe are our baby slings and our rings?

I would like to begin by saying that there's no official safety standards for baby slings. At MummyHugs we want to make sure that our baby slings are safe to carry your precious one. First we tested our slings ourselves by hanging a 50KG weight to one ring over 48 hours and there were no changes to the ring.

Results were encouraging but we were not 100% satisfied with our own test, and so we sent our rings and slings for a more professional testing at Sirim Berhad.

At Sirim Berhad 2 tests were conducted:
1st - how heavy can the ring carry before it gives way:
Result was 230kg.

2nd - if the ring sling can carry the weight of 50kg over a period of 48 hours.
Results was yes, there was no change to the slings and rings.

Conclusion: You can rest assure on the quality of the rings and our slings!

As for Pouch Sling, we have not sent if for professional testing but I personally have carried my 2 year old son who weighs 11kg in it and no problems! The stiches used when sewing are very strong and reliable.

However other safety measures must be taken when carrying your baby in our slings.

- Initially, help to support your baby in your sling with your hands. When you get used to the extra weight and learn to balance properly, you will feel confident enough to go "hands free."

- Do not wear your baby in a sling in potentially unsafe situations, like by a cooking stove, when drinking (or carrying) hot beverages, or when using sharp knives.

- Bend at the knees if you have to pick up an object, keeping one hand on the baby.

- Remember that toddlers have long reaches, so keep well away from dangerous objects when carrying them in slings.

- Walk carefully around corners and through doors.

- When traveling, babies should only ride in approved infant seats made for cars or bicycles, never in slings.

Washing Instructions for our slings.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mailing & Return Policy

Please note the delivery time frame:
Effective March 2011, we will deliver on Mondays and Wednesdays only. 
Orders with full payment received before these days will be send out. For urgent order, please kindly contact us for more information.

Please allow 1-2 Working days for delivery to West Malaysia Address, at least 3 working days for East Malaysian addresses. For other countries please email us for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions about Shipping and Return

Q: What is the shipping option for Malaysian customers?

1) Pos Laju (Express Post):

West Malaysia: RM10.00 - takes 1-2 working days*
East Malaysia: RM15.00 - takes 3-4 working days*
* We will post the item upon receipt of full payment.

2) Self Collection is avaliable in Johor Bahru, prefered location: Burger King Petronas outside Taman Tasek, near RJCC: Royal Johor Country Club. Prior arrangement is required.

Q: What is the shipping option for Singaporean customers?

1) Speedpost (Express): We will send via speedpost to a Singapore address at a flat fee of S$10.00. Please allow 1-2 working days for delivery.

2) Self Collection Prior arrangement is required.

3) Normal Post:We will send via normal post at a flat fee of S$5.00. Please allow 2-3 working day. ( This will be mailed out as registered post to avoid lost of item.)

Q: How about the shipping for International customers?

We will use Pos Malaysia for international order. Customers can choose from Register parcel or Pos Laju (Post Express) with trackable service, please email us at for shipping fees. Normally it takes 2-3 weeks to arrive, we will definitely assist to track the parcel if it has not arrive in the given time frame.

Q: When will you deliver my order?

For all items in stock, as soon after we receive the payment, we will try to deliver the next working day. For check payment we will pend cheque clearance before delivery.

Q: What is your return & exchange policy?

We will do our best to make all of our customers happy. If you wish to return the items, it must be in original packet, not used, washed, soiled or damaged. And must be return within 14 days after day of purchase. The return will be made in a form of STORE CREDIT for you next purchase base on the price paid. Shipping fee is not returnable and the return mailing charges will be borned by customer.

*Note that colours on the pictures provided may differ from computers to computers. We try to post up pictures as close to the original colours on the merchandise.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

MummyHugs Baby Pouch Sling

1 Pouch Sling = RM69.90/S$30.00
(Except for the new Aqua Blue & Pink Floral RM89.90/S$39.95. This pouch is slightly more expensive as the cloth is imported. Super comfy and stretchable!)

Prices are not inclusive of postage. Click here to find out more.

Pouch Sling Instructions

(I recently received a comment from a Anonymous person to put the pictures in pdf format instead. I'm so sorry for the delay as I need some time to work on it. It will be great it you can leave your email and contact details and I email it directly to you.)

Click here for more tips on wearing your pouch sling.
Click here to see more wearing instructions for pouch slings.

Classic Cotton Baby Ring Slings

1 Baby Ring Sling = RM89.90/S$39.95

Prices are not inclusive of Postage. For Click here to find out more.

1 Baby Ring Sling = RM109.90/S$49.95

Silky Cotton Baby Ring Slings

1 Baby Ring Sling = RM109.90/S$49.95

Prices are not inclusive of Postage. For Click here to find out more.

Baby Pouch Sling Information - Size and Difference

So what's the difference between a Ring Sling and a Pouch Sling?

How to use your pouch sling?

Using a Pouch Sling is relatively easier than a Ring Sling. There's no need to adjust the length or size. So it's just Fold it, Put it on, Slip baby in and Go! :) Take a look at the photographs for a step by step instructions.

To determine your size, measure your shoulder to your waist (just above the hip bone) see picture & follow the table below to check which size fits you best. *

Measurement from Shoulder to Waist (above hip bone) Inches
S Size 22.5"-24"
M Size 24.5"-26"
L Size 26.5"-28"

*Note: You do not need to change the size of pouch sling if your baby grows older and bigger. Size & weight of the baby doesnt really matter unless your baby is very much bigger than normal. It really depends on the wearer :) Do not get too big a size, because you need to wear your baby snug and fit. It'll be more comfortable for your back and for the baby.

Unless you have a bigger bust or you have a baby who is way bigger than average weight, go one size bigger.

Currently we only have S, M & L size, if your measurements does not fit into this table, we recommend that you consider a rings sling instead. Kindly indicate your choice of pouch design upon checkout by writing in the Special Instructions or Comments About Your Order.

Stretch Cotton Baby Ring Sling

1 Baby Ring Sling RM109.90/S$49.95

Prices are not inclusive of Postage. For Click here to find out more.

Featuring our Stretch Cotton Collection
These trendy, vibrant colours are sure to spice up your wardrobe. These stretch cottons are 95% Cotton with 5% slight stretch on the width for easy adjustment and to give your baby a snug fit. This collection comes with fresh, sweet and cool borders. Some of the borders come concealed or on both sides.

Concealed borders means they only peek out a little bit from the outside and there's a 2 inch border on the inside. You can also reverse this sling to have to border show on the outside. Will update with more pictures to show how it actually looks like. :)

Batik Cotton Baby Ring Sling

1 Baby Ring Sling = RM109.90/S$49.95

Prices are not inclusive of Postage. For Click here to find out more.

Tropical Cotton Baby Ring Sling

1 Baby Ring Sling = RM109.90/S$49.95

Prices are not inclusive of Postage. For Click here to find out more.

Baby Ring Sling Instructions

Order &Payment

Scroll down to the end of this page and complete the ORDER REQUEST FORM

(Please note that all prices state is NOT inclusive of Postage. Please click here to find out more on mailing charges)

For Malaysia :

1) We take Bank transfer to Maybank account: A/c no:501132153711 MummyHugs

*Please call/sms ( +60 167585842 /+65 97466420 )/email ( me once you have done your payment.

2) Check payable to MummyHugs, Maybank account . Or mailed to : Suite 808, 8th Floor, City Plaza, 21, Jalan Tebrau, Johor Bahru ,80300, Johor, Malaysia (Please indicate my bank a/c number: 501132153711 at the back of the cheque.)

3) Cash on delivery, store pick up: Only in Johor Bahru or Singapore

For Singapore :

1) We take Bank transfer to DBS Bank Savings Plus account: 017 8 077 916, Shirin Tan

2) Personal check payable to Shirin Tan to be banked into DBS Bank Ltd (Please indicate my bank a/c number: 017 8 077 916 at the back of the cheque.)

*Please call/sms (+60 167585842 /+65 97466420 )/email ( me once you have done your payment.

3) Cash on delivery, store pick up: Only in Johor Bahru or Singapore

For international customer :

1) Bank Transfer
We take bank transfer/tele-transfer, below are the details you need to provide to your bank:
BANK NAME: Maybank
BANK BRANCH: Jalan Larkin Branch
BANK ADDRESS: 113-5 Jalan Glasiar, Taman Tasek, 80200, Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
ACCOUNT NO.: 501132153711

2)PAYPAL or Credit Card via Paypal.
*Please note that if making payment by Paypal or credit card, the currency will be in US$. The rate will be charged according to Paypal exchange rate. Upon confirmation of order, I will send you a payment request via email. Please follow the email link, key in your credit card details to make payment.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Baby sling and other Products that we offer

At MummyHugs, besides Baby Ring and Pouch Sling, we offer many other products as well.
-LittleBubbly Nursing Covers
-LittleBubbly 3-in-1 Diaper Bag-which converts into a Nursing Cover & Blanket
-LittleBubbly Diaper Cakes ( Unique Gift Hampers which Consist of Useful Baby Items )
-Fabulous Mom Nursing Bra RM29.90-Rm49.90
-Milky Way Nursing clothes
-Mummy'sMilk Baby Advocacy Tees
-Baby/Toddler Books
-Buds Baby Lotion and Creams
-Buds Mother stretch Mark creams

( These items will be up soon)

About Us

MummyHugs baby sling are designed to let modern parents carry on with their active lifestyle with their babies. As parents ourselves, we know how babies just don't want to be left alone sometimes, so with a sling and your happy contented in it, you can shop, eat, travel, do your chores at home or even going to the rest room! You don’t have to leave your baby crying and fussing anymore!

MummyHugs innovated the traditional style sling with 2 strong and secured rings which have been tested to hold up to 50kg of weight over 48 hour period. (See Safety & Care) The loose fabric end when threaded through interlocking rings,allows the sling to be easily adjusted with one hand. Our baby sling comes in a variety of fun design, quality fabrics and colours that have been lovingly selected for concern parents like you.
Enjoy carrying your baby today!

Our Story

Our Humble Story
The image that came across my mind when I first heard of baby sarong sling, was how the women in the villages carry their babies while they go out to the padi fields to work. Little did I know that there's more to the simple act of just carrying a baby. (see 'Why wear your baby?')

I was first introduced to the baby by my sister in law, when Tristan, my first baby boy, was 3 months old. I was surprised at how contented and happy he felt while sitting, sleeping and feeding in the sling. He didn't fuss much and I felt free to move around the house while carrying him in the sling.

Chris ( my husband) and I love travelling and exploring new places, new cultures and food! (esp. road side stalls... if you know what I mean :). Since Tristan came into our lives, our dreams were ....over....and so we thought! We are no longer two but three, we cant even bear the thought of leaving him behind. So with a baby sling, off we went everywhere with Tristan safe in my arms. We didn’t have to miss out on the bargaining and crowded market places as he would sleep and feed whenever he wants to. And it's amazing how much a baby learns when you travel together, experiencing different environment and situation.

After becoming a mom, I realized it was a full time job and I wanted to spend more time with my little one. Nursing him as long as I can, bond and grow with him. However I live in this world where we need to survive with a source of income. I realized that the best thing would be to start something that will allow me to work from home. My experience of using the baby sling and breastfeeding has motivated me to share it with others. So what better option then to start an online shop providing baby slings and encourage breastfeeding? That's how MummyHugs came into being! :o)

Of course, not forgetting my dear my husband for being my pillar of strength and for helping me get this started. Without him I guess this idea will only remain as an idea. I like to also thank my sister in law for this heaven sent gift of the sling and all the encouragement she has given me to persevere with breastfeeding.

Our goal here at MummyHugs is to encourage breastfeeding, positive parenting through use of virtues, reading wonderful books and prayers, and use of great quality baby & mummy products and clothes.

As we are just starting off on this adventure, please let us know how we can make your shopping experience easier and enjoyable. Or if you have great fun ideas or suggestion that you cant wait to share it with us, please drop me an email at

Once again, thanks for dropping by!

Why wear your baby?

Why wear your baby in a baby sling?

- Great for breastfeeding mom At MummyHugs we passionately support breastfeeding. Baby sling lets a mother breastfeed discreetly in public, it satisfies frequent nurser, and lets the mother move about while nursing.

- Babies are happier and more contented Research shows that babies who are carried often cry less and are more contented.

- Calms Babies As fetus is curled up in the mother’s womb, the new born is comfortable and reassured when she is carried in a sling, closed to your heart. It comforts her as she listens to the familiar sound of a mother’s heartbeat.

- Bonding between parent and baby The close physical contact lets mother and baby connect and bond. A great way for a father to bond with the baby. It also helps a working parent reconnect with baby after a long day.

- Makes you more attentive as a parent When held close, parents can actually ‘sense’ their baby’s changing mood, needs. It helps you read and understand your baby’s cues.

- Babies are smarter Contended babies who cry and fuss less, spend more time observing and learning about the world around them as you go about your daily activities. These experiences stimulate nerves in the brain to branch out and connect with other nerves, helping the brain grow and develop.

- Enhance speech development Babies carried seems to be more attentive and clicks into a conversation like they are part of it. This is because babies are up at eye and voice level; he is more involved and learns speech and the ability to listen more quickly.

- Hands free With the baby in the sling and your hands free, you are able to around easily, and be able to do chores around the house or pop out to the shop or visit friends. It also lets you have that extra pair of hands to hold on to your toddler and spend time with your older children.

- Makes going out/traveling easier With a baby sling, you can move around easily especially where pushing a stroller is not possible with the uneven pavement. It lets you go places where you otherwise won’t.

- Premature babies benefit greatly from being held Kangaroo Care Studies have shown that premature babies who are held close to the mother’s body thrive better and helps them regulate body temperature, breathing and a mother’s heartbeat makes them feel more secure.

- Better for your back MummyHugs baby sling distributes the weight of your baby more evenly across your whole back. With the right posture, it actually makes it more comfortable than carrying a baby in arms.

For more reading:
Ten Reasons to Wear your Baby- The Natural Child Project
Why wear your baby-

Babywearing-Ask Dr Sears
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